2003-09-03 poisonedfae

If you died right now, I think that I'd die too.

Contact: You have notes, email and AIM (5/5)
Errors: No Errors (10/10)
Navigation: Everything is clear, and easy to access.(10/10)
Updates: Good updating, even though you skipped a few days here and there, you updated more than once on some days. (8/10)
Layout Design: Image shows fine, it's a tad blurry though. The font is plain, and there are only two colors in the entire template, very dark looking--and kinda plain, but I like it. You have lots of links, and that's a plus!(13/20)
Content: Length is rarely over a paragraph...so your entries are a bit short. Obscene language is everywhere. Emotions are clear and easy to comprehend, very readable, clear typing, spelling is fine, and punctuation is okay. Interesting...well, Its okay, I cant understand alot of what you're talking about with one, or two sentences sometimes, so its a little hard for me to comprehend while reading. On the other hand, if I knew you, I'd probably know what you meant by those short entries.(25/40)
Extras: You have a lot of extras, fanlistings, reviews, rings, surveys and alot more. (5/5)

Total Points: 76/100 I noticed while reading your diary that you really are open with your opinions, very outspoken like. That is a good thing....and always remember to keep it up.
Reviewed by: Leslie

Recommended Reading: my life is ending

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