2003-09-02 kbaa

.So Easy.

Contact: notes, email, book, and I think icq (5/5)
Errors: none (10/10)
Navigation: The main links are all listed over to the right, and they're sectioned off. For example, the contact links are on their own page. I like! (10/10)
Updates: just about daily (9/10)
Layout Design: I do like the colors and image, as well as navigation on your layout. However, the guestbook doesn't match.
The colors you've used go well with the image and it's bright and cheerful. I'm not sure if it fits your personality but I think that's a personal choice.
Also, it would really clean up your archives page if you archived the entries by months. (18/20)
Content: I like what you write. I don't really connect with it but the way it's written makes me feel a part of your story. I think you write a lot for your friends though. I'd love to see you writing more for yourself and less thanking so-and-so for taking you somewhere or something. When you do set your mind to expressing yourself and giving your opinions, you do it wonderfully. I love adjectives and you've got them! You obsess a lot about being emo. I don't know if I'm emo or not, but is it really such a bad thing? Girls are emotional - that's just us. We cry over dumb shit and get happy over silly things like buying a new mop (you'll have to ask my mom about that. I'm not speaking from personal experience with the mop thing). Don't beat yourself up over being a girl. Be proud of it!
Otherwise, you're very opinionated in a good way. You're not afraid to tell it like it is and if people don't like what you have to say, you've got a spot on the end of your foot for their asses. That kind of attitude will get you far! (38/40)
Extras: about, write, reviews, rock & shit, a few rings here and there. (5/5)

Total Points: 95/100 I love your views on life!
Reviewed by: Carla

Recommended Reading: Casual

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